How To Create A Digital Wedding, Secure Sponsors And Launch A Social Enterprise

When I committed to this crazy idea I knew it was far bigger than me. In fact, it was no longer about me or the wedding.

Founder of blogs about coming out of the shadow, getting out of her own way and stepping into the light.

These are the women in tech you need to watch in 2014. The leading ladies in tech startups, they’re a new breed of women who are disrupting the tech space.

“I did not yell and scream at Kerry Packer. I didn’t need to because I was making him lots of money”.

My inbox is about to explode. There’s a pile of dishes in the sink. I’ve yet to hang my washing which has been sitting in the laundry. For two days now! And I think there’s only one pair of clean socks left in my drawer. Meanwhile, I run around like a crazy witch about to
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There’s a story behind this photo. It was taken on the 31st of May 2009. Kari was on her honeymoon and I was mending a broken heart. Where you ask? Paris of course! Yep. That’s right. I gatecrashed Kari’s honeymoon in Paris. Well, kinda. It was a moment when serendipity met adventure. We had known
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