Hollywood Star and Entrepreneur Reese Witherspoon on Why Female Ambition Is a Dirty Word

Reese Witherspoon urges women to embrace their ambitiousness and challenge the non-sensical assumptions around ambition.

Aged 55 when she founded a SweetLife, Carolyn Hartz has proven that age is no barrier to entrepreneurship.

“I got in only because I was famous. This was how others saw me, it was how I saw myself.”

Find out how Moxie’s CSR initiative, Pads For Pads, is making an impact in the lives of girls in Uganda.

We pay tribute to legendary author Maya Angelou. Listen to her read a most unforgettable poem Phenomenal Woman.

Tess Ogle wanted to be a dentist but a desire to change the world paved a successful corporate path instead.

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