The Lucky Bitch: How To Have An Endless Stream Of Luck

Denise Duffield-Thomas says the only thing standing in your way of being a Lucky Bitch are your beliefs about wealth, luck and success.

Property guru Miriam Sandkuhler gives us the low down on one of the most common questions in the property market.

Buying your first investment property is a big deal and you need all the help you can get, starting with these 7 great tips.

Spending addiction, like most forms of addictions, has a cycle relapses and remissions. Without treatment or intervention it is progressive and leads to severely negative long-term consequences. But it is treatable and we’ll show you how.

Forget about the dollars and cents. Think about what you want and why.

If your finances have suffered an unlucky 2013, consider if poor financial habits are to blame. Many of us are lazy or apathetic about our money, even though our financial freedom is at stake.

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