What It’s Like Raising Money As A Woman In Silicon Valley

Woman in tech startup face sexual harassment in Silicon Valley We are seeing a rising number of  successes by female tech founders heading to Silicon Valley to find investors for their startups – something which needs to be celebrated in an industry that continues to be dominated by tech dudes and deep pocketed men in
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Learning to say these ten simple words with confidence may be one way to begin to bridge the Confidence Gap.

The removal of Condoleeza Rice and Ayaan Hirisi Ali as speakers at Brandeis and Rutgers commencement proceedings considered racist and sexist by Forbes.

Successful women entrepreneurs share what they got wrong and other career advice from people who matter.

Jill Abramson fired for gender pay gap issues, female entrepreneurs ahead of their time and feminist political party member Soraya Prost to join the European Parliament.

According to extensive research on the Confidence Gap, men are far more self-assured than women and are constantly reaping the rewards of false confidence.

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