We’re An Ungrateful Bunch

I recently went on my first trip abroad to Phuket, Thailand. I was 28 before I left the country at all. I had a slight phobia; I knew that I would suffer from culture shock after being in a bubble for so long. My grandma passed away a few years ago, and left all of
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My memory of photography dates back to a TV commercial when I was 13. It was of a little girl documenting her day through images, starting with her brightly coloured socks. She made 24 hours look so bright and colourful. I have always wondered what MY day would look like if I showcased images of
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This installment to the Gen Y Founder Diaries is obviously going to be a tad different and I’d like to give you a heads up. It involves indecent exposure. Ever have those dreams where you are at school naked or in front of all your peers in pyjamas? I have those often – those moments
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Dear Bob Hawke, I think Paul Keating is terrible, how dare he take your position in the parliament house! Thank you for being a great Prime Minister, I will miss you. Regards, Adelle Pick, Age 6 Writing was always in my blood. The amount of free products I received from writing letters – to Hubba Bubba for
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You know that saying “What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger”? I always thought to myself, what a load of codswallop! When you think about it, that saying is quite true. When you feel low and upset you don’t think there is a way out, but what’s actually happening is, your brain, your heart, your
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“Perth is so backwards!”. “Perth is so far away”. “If you want to go anywhere in the fashion world you need to get out of Perth!”. I am forever hearing complaints about little Perth. I get quite defensive when someone decides to put a bad word on my beautiful city. People constantly put it down.
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