All about Australian Women
Australia’s housing crisis continues to price the young and old out of the market leading to a rise in homeless women entering retirement age.
This week’s top stories on World Wide Women delves into mumternships and why it may devalue working mums, the natural business skills of a mother, and advice for the young from World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader, Jennifer Coreirro.
Entitled Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Happier Life, the book has already been established as a “must read” for anyone who is struggling to define success and achieve a content and balanced lifestyle.
Conversations with Asia’s leading female investors and tips on dealing with an overwhelming workload and social media induced stress.
This week we check out the controversy surrounding accusations of gender discrimination at GitHub, some successful self-made billionaires you’ve never heard of before, and new growth patterns and what it means for women in business. 1. Julie Ann Horvath blows the whistle on sexism at GitHub All of us here at are fairly
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Congratulations to Susan Wojcicki Youtube’s new CEO. It’s great to hear another female CEO taking her rightful place in big business.