5 Harsh Realities Of Starting A Business

Every successful business owner will tell you about the long hours they put in before their business finally took off. They tell you about the financial and lifestyle sacrifices they made, how many times they traded a night out with the girls/guys for a night in crunching numbers. Yet I only seemed to see the
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Since opening, I have had people remark that I must have the best job in the world, playing with cats and kittens every day. More inquisitive people comment that it must take a lot of money to open such a business. They wait for my reply, which is always along the lines of, “Yes, heaps.
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My memory of photography dates back to a TV commercial when I was 13. It was of a little girl documenting her day through images, starting with her brightly coloured socks. She made 24 hours look so bright and colourful. I have always wondered what MY day would look like if I showcased images of
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Yesterday morning the motivation monster creeped into my bedroom before I woke and stole my motivation for the day. I really don’t like when it does this. Luckily it doesn’t happen that often. I always surround myself with inspiring quotes and images, and I love reading stories about people living their dreams. I have been
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I don’t have a short attention span but I’m surprised by how often I lose sight of my goals. When you get caught up in a daily routine, you can easily forget what you’re working towards. When I start to question the extra hours I put into my work, I turn to the 5 things
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I come from a family of ten –  six brothers and one sister. Our parents went through a very ugly split during my teenage years which led to a few sad and rebellious years. I haven’t spoken to my dad for eight years, until last week. It was my sister’s wedding and for the first
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