Young Entrepreneur Changes Lives Of Girls With Pads

Find out how Moxie’s CSR initiative, Pads For Pads, is making an impact in the lives of girls in Uganda.

If you’re bogged down by paperwork and don’t have time to grow your business consider switching to cloud accounting.

According to Work Safe Australia business burnout costs Australian business over $20 billion each year so it makes good sense to pay attention to our own needs.

While female-led startups were a little hard to spot at CeBIT, the lower proportion of women at the exhibition is certainly not a reflection of business acumen.

Running a business isn’t just about making sure the day to day tasks are done. There is so much to do that we lose sight of the bigger picture: to keep the business moving.

Launching my startup was no easy feat. It was a long road from conception to inception and if I knew back then what I do now, I’d have avoided many hurdles.

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