I’m Gen Y, I’m The Boss And I’m Letting Go

Young entrepreneurs are often mistaken as the employee rather than the boss. But with staff who have your back, this is one ego you can let go.

Every successful business owner will tell you about the long hours they put in before their business finally took off. They tell you about the financial and lifestyle sacrifices they made, how many times they traded a night out with the girls/guys for a night in crunching numbers. Yet I only seemed to see the
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What would you do if money were no object? It’s a common question people ask when they are at a crossroads in their career. I’ve hit this fork in the road and am presently at a standstill. Whilst a lot of my spare time goes to Pretty Pickles, I still hold a day job in
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It’s amazing what we are capable of doing when there is no one to do it for us.

This came to me as I was standing on a chair in my shorts and high-heeled boots in my shop with drill in hand, driving it into a brick wall to mount our beautiful canvas manifesto.

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