Kids Business: Bloggers Brunch

Bloggers Brunch is an event run by Kids Business – a niche agency specialising in forward-thinking social media initiatives, word-of-mouth campaigns and public relations for products and services targeting mums. The brunch, which has been running since 2011, are primarily designed to build relationships between bloggers and brands. The brands present included Carman’s, Tasty Bites,
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What is it like working in the resources sector? For many women, thinking about a mining job conjures up images of hard hats, giant trucks and getting dirty, which can be discouraging when starting out or choosing a career. While that maybe a reality for some on-site jobs, there are many areas of expertise far
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With so much creative talent in Australia, it’s a wonder where all the start-ups, new bands or film projects get funding, especially with the current economic climate. Rather than go down the traditional investment-seeking path, many are turning to crowdfunding. Crowdfunding isn’t a new concept, however it’s enjoying a surge in popularity due to social
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Image: Kerry-Ann Bartle (centre) with Janine Lum (L) and Peta Doran of EWIB Un événement merveilleux – a wonderful event; in both languages it totally describes my excitement attending A French Affair at the Sofitel in Melbourne, held by European Women in Business (EWIB). Their aim is to bring “professional women together to create networking connections,”
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March 8th was International Women’s Day.   A number of events were held around Toowoomba on a date which has been recognised nationally in the U.S since 1909 with the event going global in just a few short years. Toowoomba’s Chamber of Commerce began its inaugural event in 2012 with a panel of local, high profile
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I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Susan Dibbs, the organiser of GO Festival, an event that celebrates women and provides an opportunity for a girls’ fun day out. Susan has a long history of involvement within the world of event management that teamed with being a committed and loving parent. She shares her journey
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