Stacy Nelson: Editorial Assistant and Community Manager

StacyI’m a Scottish lass who has traveled a long way in a short while. I made up my mind to live and work in Australia and, 12 flights and eight currencies later, here I am. Well, you can’t expect a girl to come halfway around the world and not see a few things on the way! For me, 2013 is all about establishing myself in this wonderful country.

I’ve always been inspired by empowered women , so I jumped at the chance to get involved with, a platform for women to connect, network and celebrate each other.

My professional background is in TV Production and Social Media – connecting with great people and creating powerful networks are where my passions lie. I’m a little bit enamoured with social media , so you’ll find me there: professing my love of yoga and knitting, joining in the conversation about women’s issues and gender equality, and sharing things that tickle my fancy.

Here’s where you’ll find me online:

Instagram: (@stacynel)
Twitter: (@stacy_nel)

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