All about Australian Women
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Hershey Thompson is a Co- Founder and Director of A business she launched in 2013 online in her Melbourne home while working as a Security Control Room Operator for National Gallery of Victoria. At a young age of 21 she knew that she was born to do great things, to serve, surrender and impact the people around her. She expanded her online store into a brick and mortar store in Cairns, Queensland in March 15 2014 and decided to close it down on November 30 2014, with the aim of concentrating on her online store. Hershey then went into a business partnership to expand it’s online store. Ohmagosh is now rapidly gaining a massive online presence and continue to grow with it’s two new founders. Along with their vision to be Australia’s No. 1 Online Store and dominate the global market, she is also passionate about leadership and empowers her staff to do their life’s best work in a positive working environment.
Email: [email protected]
Ph: +61 409376337
Facebook |Twitter | Linkedin | Instagram | Pinterest offers trendy & unique clothing for women on their 20’s with an affordable price tag. We believe that fashion was not only created to make women more beautiful but also to give them reassurance & confidence, to express their selves freely and use fashion to express their selves without having to speak.
Ohmagosh was founded after my first business failed (formerly called Pinkyliciuos- root word is Pinky which is my nickname). If you notice Ohmagosh is spelt differently – the same goes to my previous business name where the letter “U”comes first before “O” on Pinkyliciuos. Most people think it’s a misspelling but it isn’t. This is the interesting part of my entrepreneurship journey. I grew up thinking perfection exists, that perfection is a “must” standard. It all changed when I started my business.. There is no perfect time to do anything but NOW. When I launched, nothing was perfect. I struggled so much with the right platform, the right people and the right products. But the lesson I learned from that imperfection is far more valuable than anything. If I waited for the right moment, I will never ever have created this opportunity because the thing is, there is never a right time and right moment.
That “right” belief has to be created by YOU not anyone else, to take charge of your own destiny. If opportunity doesn’t come, go out and create it for yourself. Only you have the power to change your future. As a young entrepreneur I want to have a life behind it, to inspire young women to express themselves freely and let the world know who they are. To create a positive impact and be true to themselves. I want to be part of that soul searching journey, As we all grow up our style changes, our outlook in life changes and the most exciting age is the 20s! We specifically concentrate on that age bracket because that is the age where we are mostly super adventurous with our style. is all about self expression. As I always say, if singers express themselves through music, and if artist express themselves through their art, for us fashion is our way of expression without having to speak.
My first job was in a shopping center in Philippines as “saleslady”. I laugh all the time because during that time I wasn’t a lady (yet).
The legendary “WHY” is to be a role model. I have 7 brothers and sisters so I didn’t really have a teenage life. I had to skip that and jump straight into adulthood. Coming from Asian family, it was my responsibility as the eldest to look after the younger siblings, so that’s exactly what I did. My greatest motivation is them and it was a promise I made to my grandpa before he passed away. From that time. I became a mother and a father and that is exactly the motivation that got me to where I am now.
I not only had to give up a paycheck at first but I also had to give up nearly a year away from my husband. Starting your own business is not as daunting as what most people think, it all depends on how persistent you are to succeed and I’m not making it sound all sweet and sugary. Being an entrepreneur requires you to drink concrete everyday and toughen up – my point is you are not really giving up anything, instead you are gaining something money can’t buy. Starting your own business allows you to grow emotionally and mentally, and create jobs for other people. You need to separate yourself from the mediocre and be a living testament that there’s far more greater in life than being scared. You can’t be half-assed about it. If you are going to do it, do it with everything you’ve got.
The greatest would be making that first step. I think that is far greater than any achievement any entrepreneur will get because, first of all, if you didn’t decide to take that first action, the rest will not happen.
The most exciting one is yet to come! We will be launching a “Make- Over” campaign each month starting on 2015 where we choose a lucky winner and totally give them the best day ever being pampered with amazing prices.
1. Don’t be scared of failing because failures is a necessary to get things right the next time.
2. It’s not about finding your voice but it’s about giving yourself permission to use your voice.
3. Don’t be scared. It’s just another sooky part of you. Get over it and deal with it. You are far bigger than your fears,. Fears need to be dealt with, not ignored.
This Golden advise was given to me by a very random person in a very random day. She said “A straight line is faster than a zigzag. Have pride and believe in yourself. Don’t get too excited and jump onto 20 different things, avoid being a grasshopper and continue to hop till 10 years from now. Focus and be good at it. Mind your own business and take care of YOU and the people that works for you.
Domination on e-commerce and connect to our existing and future customers in a more personal way to better understand their needs.
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