Rejecting The Rat Race: How Do You Put On The Brakes?


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Whoever drinks the most cups of coffee, have the darkest undereye circles or get the least sleep wins. Right?

In some of the world’s most high profile companies we find three outstanding female trailblazers who led the way for the rest us.

So you have a bad credit rating and want a second chance on a car loan. It’s tricky but it’s not impossible. Be well prepared to present your application in the best possible light. Here are some tips to help with your preparation. 1. Obtain Your Credit Report Free There is no point in applying
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I was delighted to get my hands on a “Bugs and Insects” craft box from PeekyMe and a bonus Super Heroes Party Pack, and quickly decided it was going to be my first week of holiday activity. These activities were stretched out over four days, with an activity on each of the days. The ‘PeekyMe’
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Credit cards can be full of traps for the unwary. Here’s how to avoid them

Bloggers Brunch is an event run by Kids Business – a niche agency specialising in forward-thinking social media initiatives, word-of-mouth campaigns and public relations for products and services targeting mums. The brunch, which has been running since 2011, are primarily designed to build relationships between bloggers and brands. The brands present included Carman’s, Tasty Bites,
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