Wellness Warior Jessica Ainscough Celebrates Self-Love and Sisterhood

Resounding cheers, whistles and clapping reverberate through the room. Two hundred eager women turn and nod to each other, grinning broadly and craning their necks to catch glimpses of the speakers taking to the stage: Tara Bliss, Jess Ainscough, Melissa Ambrosini and Amanda Rootsey take to the stage – AKA ‘The Party Girls Guide to
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Want to go? We hung out with Baz and scored an exclusive offer for WOMAN.com.au readers.

A review of Soar Collective networking event on the Mornington Peninsula.

“The biggest mistake when times are tough is to shut yourself up and try to handle it on your own.”

Creative entrepreneurship is the new buzz and this female entrepreneur is making it happen.

The Powerful Personal Brand program by Susan Young forces you to ask the question: What do you really stand for?

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