Corryn Barakat: Milk And Love

Milk and Love is the result of Corryn’s creativity, passion, and desire to support breastfeeding mums. This is her story.

“If you ain’t got repeat customers, you ain’t got a business.”

Karan White is founder of Pod Legal, an innovative law firm specialising in intellectual property, technology and social media.

“I wish you success with your business. Remember there are people out there who want you to succeed so harness that energy and believe in yourself.”

From concept to cat walk, the story of fashion entrepreneur Betty Tran proves that the road to success is never a clear path. It’s usually a string of failures, mistakes, rejections and disappointments.

Building a dream business while holding down a day job is a balancing act. The key is to be creative, organised, disciplined, focused and accept help from others.

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