We’re An Ungrateful Bunch

I recently went on my first trip abroad to Phuket, Thailand. I was 28 before I left the country at all. I had a slight phobia; I knew that I would suffer from culture shock after being in a bubble for so long. My grandma passed away a few years ago, and left all of
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Over the last decade, adventure couple Mike and Denise Ferris have journeyed more than half a million kilometres in search of the ultimate ride – a road fit for motor-biking that delivers as much in exotic culture as it does in breath-taking vistas, and as adrenalin-pumping as it is historical. This bucket list of roads
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Editor’s Note: I love this guest post by good friend Victor-Andreas Marz. I’ve been following his travels around the world along with the breathtaking photographs he captures. So I asked him to nominate his top 3 travel destinations. Victor works for SAP and is currently based in Singapore – the launchpad for all his recent
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Leonie Barton recently spent a month traveling alone in Namibia, south west Africa where she took 2700 photos. Inspired by the graphic landscape, the photographs will be exhibited later in the year with a percentage of the profits going back to Namibia to the “Tears of Hope” orphanage Leonie visited. We are delighted and honoured
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