Trailblazing Women Fighting The Good Fight

Jill Abramson fired for gender pay gap issues, female entrepreneurs ahead of their time and feminist political party member Soraya Prost to join the European Parliament.

Natalie Barr says women blame men for their woes. We say, her views smack of ignorance to the broader population’s experience with gender discrimination and to the true aims of feminism and the fight for gender equality.

This week we look at what practices will put an end to social discrimination against women, the gender pay gap that just won’t go away and the 100 best websites for women.   1.  Working with the community is working with women There are many different approaches to putting an end to the practice of
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Editor’s Note: Christina Yiannakis checks out what young women at Melbourne University are doing to address the gender pay gap issue when they enter the workforce. In 2009, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported that 34% of Australian men and 40% of Australian women aged 25-64 years had a tertiary qualification.  That is a lot
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