A Response To Women Against Feminism By A Geeky Feminist

You may not need #feminism but the rest of the world still does.

Jill Abramson fired for gender pay gap issues, female entrepreneurs ahead of their time and feminist political party member Soraya Prost to join the European Parliament.

Norway introduced a gender quota system which resulted in a rise in women in senior leadership positions from 7% in 2003 to 40.3% in 2010. With a larger number of women in power, all of whom deserve to be there, surely Norway’s social experiment should allow us to reconsider quotas?

Natalie Barr says women blame men for their woes. We say, her views smack of ignorance to the broader population’s experience with gender discrimination and to the true aims of feminism and the fight for gender equality.

European member of Parliament Licia Ronzulli shows us what a modern workplace looks like – it’s a woman’s world.

Has feministic independence, coyness or suspicion of men quelled vain attempts of being a knight in our modern era?

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