Danielle Price: She Will Shine

Danielle Price is a wife, mum post-graphic designer, cleaning lady, cook, and everything in between.

Walking away from the Brisbane KPI event on Saturday evening there was a spring in my step. I felt extremely motivated and excited about what will come next. And, the best part is that ‘next’ is up to me! For those who that haven’t heard of KPI, it stands for Key Person of Influence. It’s
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Since opening, I have had people remark that I must have the best job in the world, playing with cats and kittens every day. More inquisitive people comment that it must take a lot of money to open such a business. They wait for my reply, which is always along the lines of, “Yes, heaps.
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Bloggers Brunch is an event run by Kids Business – a niche agency specialising in forward-thinking social media initiatives, word-of-mouth campaigns and public relations for products and services targeting mums. The brunch, which has been running since 2011, are primarily designed to build relationships between bloggers and brands. The brands present included Carman’s, Tasty Bites,
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Editor’s Note: This week, Kerry-Ann Bartle and Stacy Nelson uncover a society for wordsmiths founded by two young women over countless cups of tea. ~Robelen It all began with two women who share a love for storytelling and a knack for words. Despite doing what they both love working in advertising, they were unhappy, constantly
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I have always been a good student. My parents were quite strict about it, and have always told me “you have to study hard so you can have a job that you really like. You want to wake-up in the morning and be happy to go to the office”. Of course, they didn’t like their
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