The Gen Y Woman Behind Web Startup HireMeUp

For most of Gen Y, we were always told, “You can be whatever you want to be. Just work hard and you’ll be successful”. No one ever mentioned GFCs or unemployment rates. You mean, I can’t just do well in school my whole life and magically land a fulfilling career? Hold on, what?! I left
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When Valerie Khoo agreed to an interview with, I almost tripped in my Mano-look-alike stilettos (I bought them on eBay) when she replied with an affirmative to my pleading tweet (because Twitter is the new phone). Valerie Khoo is one of those women who are living their entrepreneurial dreams. With a love for writing,
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Natalie Sisson’s bio reads like an adventure of a person who knows no limits. She has traveled to more places in the last 12 months than the average Aussie in their lifetime. All while building a business that is truly remarkable and amassing a legion of raving fans from all corners of the earth. Natalie
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Boston-based Abby Larson started Style Me Pretty blog with only $9.99 in February 2007. Five years on, the blog is now the go-to place in the wedding industry attracting 18 million monthly page views and about 1.5 million monthly visitors according to a report by Startupsmart. If you’ve ever doubted your ability to follow your
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