How Female Entrepreneurs Run The World

Anyone who has attended Run The World will know that this entrepreneurial conference doesn’t involve a blowing of individual trumpets.

“The biggest mistake when times are tough is to shut yourself up and try to handle it on your own.”

Find out how Moxie’s CSR initiative, Pads For Pads, is making an impact in the lives of girls in Uganda.

Young entrepreneur Rebecca Field is out to break the stereotype that beauty belongs to the skinny, tall and sexy.

The five-year milestone is a significant one in the life of a business. So for Kate McKibbin’s online fashion and beauty portal to sail into its seventh year is a rather big deal. Not to mention raking in a six-figure revenue and a readership of 150,000.

From concept to cat walk, the story of fashion entrepreneur Betty Tran proves that the road to success is never a clear path. It’s usually a string of failures, mistakes, rejections and disappointments.

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